
I’m Darell Tan, and this blog chronicles my adventures into electronics projects, security and software development.

As a kid, I used to take apart all kinds of stuff (mostly toys); I like to figure out how things work and what makes them tick. But I guess it was easier to get started with software since computers were more accessible, so I spent a large part of my youth working with computers — reading and writing code, and trying out all kinds of software and operating systems. I never lost interest in electronics though. I bought electronic kits and built them up, and while it was easy to get them to work, I never really understood what was going on “under the hood”. As I got older and everything was easily accessible via the Internet, I managed to put two and two together.

My first employment was at a startup that was building a security product. With awesome colleagues, my time there had taught me a lot about security. It has also made me more security-concious than most people, whether it’s configuring hosts and networks, or even physical security.

So here I am, writing about my adventures in electronics, building projects, figuring stuff out, and hacking things. I’ll also be writing about the stuff I’m more comfortable with: code, Linux configuration and hacking. If you realise, there’s an overlap in these areas: microcontrollers run code too and the Raspberry Pi runs Linux.

If you enjoy reading about what I do, you can follow my blog via RSS, or follow me on Google+. I try to reserve blog entries for larger stories such as projects, so links to news or projects with my short commentary will be posted on my Google+ feed instead. I follow mainly security folks on Twitter and that’s what you’ll mostly see on my feed.


This site is personal and as such, the opinions and views expressed herein are that of my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, its affiliates or its employees. This site and its contents are not sponsored nor endorsed by my employer.