Fixing My Vintage Mirror with 3D Printing

Some painters came over to give my house a new coat of paint for the new year, and in the process wrecked my vintage bathroom mirror. We have what’s called a tilting mirror or pivot mirror in the bathroom area, which we have been using for at least 50 years in the household. We adjust the mirror tilt every day for decades and it has never broke. This style of mirror is quite uncommon these days, perhaps because it has gone out of fashion.

broken mirror bracket, snapped off at the screw portion with the thumbnut still attached

Looking at the damage, it was clear they forcefully tried to remove the nuts securing the mirror and it just snapped off. The other bracket on the opposite side broke off too, but at a different location. I’m no metallurgist but it looks like the part was made from cast iron or something, and therefore quite brittle. For years now I didn’t dare to dismantle the mirror for exactly this reason: the thumbnut loosens up till a certain point then refuse to go further, which is also why I left it in place. I have already removed everything I could for them – toothbrush holders, any hanging towels and racks. Anything else still left on the wall is obviously not removable, or I would have done so already. But these fuckers took it upon themselves to try to remove the mirror when I left them alone for an hour. To say I was very pissed is an understatement.

When they told me they broke the mirror, I thought they had shattered the mirror glass. I was at least a little hopeful when I saw they had placed the mirror under the sink. Still, I was at a loss of how to fix the mirror, until the idea of leveraging 3D printing hit me days later. I’ve known about it since the MakerBot days (and it was a hot topic at maker faires) but since I don’t have a 3D printer or easy access to one, it was just something I didn’t care too much about.

What is in its place now is a piece of IKEA BLODLÖNN, which I have used 3M Command strips to temporarily hold in place, while I tried to learn enough FreeCAD to design a replacement bracket. Buying IKEA was the cheapest option, and I had an inkling that learning FreeCAD from scratch was going to be a steep learning curve, so we needed something to use in the meantime (we kept looking up but finding ourselves staring at a blank wall). You can see the metal supports arms for the tilting mirror are left intact on the wall, but now painted white1.

white wall with a piece of BLODLÖNN mirror, flanked by metal support arms for the old mirror

Follow me as I detail how difficult it is for someone with zero experience like myself to learn FreeCAD, which hopefully inspires you not to give up, and the final results of my journey.

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Boot-time Device Tree Overlays with U-Boot

I bought a Banana Pi some time ago and have been using it as my go-to ARM box. Among the single-board computers I have, this Allwinner A20-based platform has the fastest CPU.

Similar to the (old) Raspberry Pi, it has a 26-pin GPIO header on one side that sports the same layout. This means that the 5V, 3V3 and I2C pins are the same as where they would be on the Raspberry Pi.

Device Tree & Overlays

On embedded systems, the Device Tree helps the kernel understand various peripherals that are connected to the board and how to initialize them. These hardware might be things like LDO regulators, various controllers, GPIO, etc which are generic, but yet needs certain configuration that should not be hard-coded into the kernel. To understand more about device trees I recommend you start with the Raspberry Pi documentation on this topic. There are more links at the end of this article.

To support Pi HATs and other non-HAT accessories, the Pi added a dtoverlay configuration parameter in the config.txt file. This allows you to specify, at boot time, Device Tree Overlays, which modify the board’s base device tree to specify additional peripherals like I2C devices, or to configure GPIO pins for certain purposes. The BeagleBone also has a similar mechanism to support its add-on boards via Capemgr. These mechanisms enable non-technical users to easily modify the device tree by simply editing a text file or running a command. Neither of these have been adopted into mainline Linux, so there is no provisions for doing quick overlays on other boards yet.

Fortunately for us, device tree overlay support has been merged into U-Boot, and the Banana Pi uses U-Boot for booting Linux. This means that U-Boot can perform the merging of device tree overlays with the base device tree, and pass the entire Flattened Device Tree (FDT) structure to the kernel during boot-up.

Before we get started, you will need the i2c-tools and dtc-overlay package, and the U-Boot source code for the mkimage tool (you did have to compile U-Boot for your Banana Pi right?)

Creating the Overlay

For this example, we will be attaching an INA219 current sensor to the Banana Pi over I2C. The kernel has drivers for this sensor in its hwmon subsystem and provides an easy way of reading values for us.

INA219 current sensor breakout board

The default I2C address on most INA219 breakout boards is with the address lines A0 and A1 grounded, giving it an address of 0x40. Also note that the shunt resistor is marked with R100, which denotes 0.1 mΩ or 100,000 µΩ.

My Banana Pi has 3 I2C buses:

$ i2cdetect -l
i2c-1   unknown         mv64xxx_i2c adapter             N/A
i2c-2   unknown         sun4i_hdmi_i2c adapter          N/A
i2c-0   unknown         mv64xxx_i2c adapter             N/A

We will try scanning each of the buses, and the one with device 0x40 will likely be the bus that is exposed via the GPIO headers. We can do this using i2cdetect:

# i2cdetect -y 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: 40 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

The last parameter to i2cdetect specifies the bus number, which is 1 in this case. We can see here that the INA219 has been correctly wired and detected, as it shows up in the I2C bus scan.

We now need to find out which device tree node this bus corresponds to:

$ readlink /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/of_node

In order to figure out the symbolic name for this I2C bus, we can grep from the kernel’s live device tree, parsed with the help of the dtc utility:

# dtc -I fs /proc/device-tree | grep 1c2b400
    i2c2 = "/soc@1c00000/i2c@1c2b400";

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Magnetic Stripes & Stuff

Apparently you can visually read magnetic stripes, if you can somehow see the magnetization patterns encoded on the stripe. I recently found out that this is indeed possible. The density is not that high and following methods will allow us to visualize the encoding.

You could use a “magnetic developer” solution and learn how each bit is encoded:


Or you could use iron (oxide) filings:


In this video linked from the Hackaday article, they also tried it on various magnetic media like cassette tape (yes who remembers those?) and floppy disks:

Also related, here’s a teardown of the Coin Card, an electronic card that can emulate a set of pre-programmed magstripe cards on-the-fly. There are more teardown photos where this came from:


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PlaidCTF 2015 “RE GEX” Write-up

This challenge came with a simple Python TCP server and a monstrous regex in a separate file. It consists of multiple sub-patterns (2563 to be exact), separated by OR operators1. To get the flag, the input supplied must NOT match any of these sub-patterns. If you break up the large regex expression, you see something like this:


The 3 conditions listed up front give you a hint to the requirements: must be made up of the letters plaidctf and be of length 171. Any patterns that DO match will NOT reveal the flag.

I tried the dumb way, which is to brute force the sequence. Python’s itertools.permutations killed the process, so I thought to represent the string using a large number instead, composed of 3 bits (to represent one of plaidctf) for each “character”. Python supports arbitrary sized integers, so manipulating and counting integers up to 171 * 3 bits wasn’t an issue. Well, of course that process took forever…

Z3 to the rescue!

The sane (and probably only) way to solve it was to use a theorem prover like Z3, so I decided to invest some time to play around with it, even though it was too late to submit the flag.

The regex patterns were probably emitted by some program itself, so it followed some regular syntax, which meant that I didn’t have to resort to using a regex parser. There were only 3 types of expressions used: a single character (.), n-characters (.{n}), and character classes ([xyz]). The patterns were parsed into Z3 constraints, in which we only had to restrict the character classes imposed by the each pattern at particular positions. A regex pattern like .{88}[padt].{60}[licf].{6}[plai].{14} is turned into a constraint expression like this:

    Or(And(pattern >> 246 & 7 != 0,
           pattern >> 246 & 7 != 2,
           pattern >> 246 & 7 != 4,
           pattern >> 246 & 7 != 6),
       And(pattern >> 63 & 7 != 1,
           pattern >> 63 & 7 != 3,
           pattern >> 63 & 7 != 5,
           pattern >> 63 & 7 != 7),
       And(pattern >> 42 & 7 != 0,
           pattern >> 42 & 7 != 1,
           pattern >> 42 & 7 != 2,
           pattern >> 42 & 7 != 3))

Solving this contraint yields the correct solution for this particular regex pattern. By combining all constraints with an And operator, the model will provide the correct solution for this challenge. You can see that I retained the representation of the pattern as a BitVector of length 171 * 3.

You can find my code here, which expects the regex patterns to be pre-processed and provided as input. The model took 11min 50sec to solve on my machine. With that, the server returns flag{np_hard_reg3x_ftw!!!1_ftdtatililactldtadf}.

Seeing as how Z3 is getting more popular in CTFs, I hope to use this new found ability for future challenges.

If you’d like to see what else Z3 can do, check out some of the inspiring entries on Diary of a reverse-engineer.

  1. Well it’s not really called that, but you get the point 

Exploring HDMI CEC

Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) allows control of AV devices that are connected via HDMI. This is the feature of HDMI that enables your TV to automatically turn on and switch to the correct input when you switch on your set-top box, for example. It also allows you to control your set-top box using the TV remote (in some cases).

Electrically, the CEC bus is a single-wire bus that is shared between all HDMI devices, thus any CEC message can be received by all connected devices. Each device then claims one or more logical addresses on which it will receive direct CEC commands.

LG remote

One interesting feature in the HDMI CEC specifications is Remote Control Pass Through, which allows button presses on the remote control to be passed through to HDMI-connected devices. I thought this feature could be used to unify the various remotes in my living room.

However, not all CEC devices are created equal. As usual, some manufacturers will deviate from the specifications, and/or introduce some quirks in their implementation (as you will see later). They also love to brand CEC with their own funky name, such as SimpLink or Anynet+.

Raspberry Pi as a CEC Bridge

As a quick and dirty way to check out the capabilities of my TV, I used a Raspberry Pi which has a HDMI connection that can be software-controlled. This also meant that I didn’t have to build my own CEC transceiver circuit.

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